

  You need SIGN UPS...
   Traffic * Sales Funnels * Content

When?  Where? How Much?   

Wouldn't it be great if there was a "Formula" for Success?

        THERE IS!

photo credit: Financial statistics and accounting concept 
via photopin (license)


  1. Make a commitment to learn the right way to make income online.
  2. Vow that you will NEVER quit, that you'll be successful no matter what!
  3. Take the following 3 Actions EVERY DAY, day in / day out:

    1. Drive traffic daily
    2. Use your traffic to build your email list
    3. Follow up by email with your email list DAILY.

    The fortune is made in the follow up.  If you do not have an email list, you can not follow up with anyone...Make sense? During this challenge every one of us should be working to get a personal autoresponder set up with an Incentive Offer, Capture Page and at least 12 follow-up letters.  You have that started with your Affiliate Page.  I'd like to work with each of you to tweak that and create the letters that make this an awesome SIGN-UPS attractor to you!  Then drive traffic to that page as we'll be discussing here as we go along and you're going to be amazed at how the "system" begins to work for you, gaining more and more momentum.
  • Making Money online is actually really simple, all you need to have is the right process (system) in place, and implement those three steps daily.
  • GDI Team Elite devised a way to use the Formula and that is exactly how your Team Link works.  Your ads act as an offer that directs your members into our Team autoresponder where we have a series of follow up letters.  There are studies that show that it takes 5 to 12 "contacts" on average for someone to join your program or buy your product.  This is very effective, especially for newbies who can't afford and don't know how to use an autoresponder, never heard of a "sales funnel" and would have heart failure if a prospect contacted them personally.  It's also a very effective way for those who are experienced to get overspill sign-ups from the Team.  Use it to plug in spots in your matrix or as a Direct to achieve some of your bonuses.  We will continue to use it for newbies because, like priming an engine, it's a necessary jump start. 
  • But I want you all to move way beyond being newbies. You are absolutely going to be on the GDI Leaderboards signing up 5, 10, 25 in a single week. Where are you going to get those sign ups?
  • You're going to become an expert at creating, attracting them, and stocking your own “lake” with them (your email list).
The process (system) consists of:

1. Traffic
2. An Offer (Your Opportunities/Products)
3. Squeeze Pages (opt-in Forms On all your Pages)
4. An Autoresponder (Your Email List Is Here)
5. Conversion (Your Emails You Send To Your List with your offers)

Every successful marketer I have met uses the same basic process, and follows those three steps daily.

On average it takes around 3000 hits per day if you're using free traffic to begin to attract the volume of people viewing your ad to get a good open rate (40% to 50% goal), click through rate (3% goal) and conversion (1% goal) before your targeted audience will buy from you or join you in a business opportunity.

This is why building your email list is so critical to your success. This is where you CREATE targeted traffic.  I know most of you have been taught to find targeted traffic and when you're ready to use Paid Advertising you'll be finding some targeted traffic - but in free traffic you need to create your own.  You do that through your incentive offer, qualifying your prospects in your first 1 to 3 mailings and then segmenting them within your autoresponder. From these very targeted and engaged lists you now are ready to "pitch" and "educate".   I'll be going over all this in detail.

How many of you already have an autoresponder you can use?  
Let me know Yes I have one and whether it's AIOP, TW or other. Also let me know if you need one and I'll be in touch with some solutions.


Joe Huguenard said...

Excellent Gerry!!

Welcome back brother, we missed you!

Personally, I've known for some time now that building my own funnel and leads list is necessary. I've just been dragging my feet and focusing more on getting traffic to the team/personal pages by surfing the TE's.

No excuses, I now it's my fault for not doing it and it's something I KNOW I NEED to do and will do, if I ever expect to grow a solid team of my own. I've got access to everything I need, including lead capture pages, incentives and autoresponders through AIOP... I just need to set aside and MAKE time to write the emails and put it all together exactly the way I want it.

Thanks very much for being who you are and for providing almost everything we need to get ourselves going with GDI. We DO have to do our part, which is why I said "almost" everything.

You're definitely one of, if not. THE best team leader I've EVER worked with and I can't thank you enough for your guidance, experience and professionalism in all you do for us.

Thanks again and God Bless You,


Gabriella said...

1. Drive traffic daily
2. Use your traffic to build your email list
3. Follow up by email with your email list DAILY.

I think we need to define Drive Traffic Daily - What does that come down to? Because unless we know what it means and do it, we can read it, we can believe it ---- but NOTHING will happen. It will be just another tip, piece of training lost in the multitude of information.

So, Gerry, what does Drive Traffic Daily consists of?

Unknown said...

I have a temp account with AIOP but to be honest I have no clue what to do with it is 6 days into one month free

Unknown said...

Hi Gerry Very happy for you no more chemo I do not have an Auto Responder Larry

Unknown said...

I have an account with AIOP, and just signed up today thru IBO for their auto. My problem is writing the follow-up letters.

Gerry James said...

answered privately - also we can set this up in such a way as to give you your required association / requested information format for the Master Recruiter program... get my drift? Just ask for the # to share info.

exactly so - I've designed these tips & trainings to build one upon another. I meant to get back today with "what is meant by & how does one "Drive Traffic" I'll get it on here tomorrow promise.

answered privately

hahahah YOU KNOW IT! Thanks Larry Also answered privately

answered privately

placed from other location & answering privately


Unknown said...

Hello, yes, I am still alive!
Happy to receive and implement the steps!

I have AIOP, TW, Benchmark, IBO, limited Get Response. I think I want to focus on AIOP and TW, since they have been the best use to me so far.