
Introducing PERSONALS Links



February 15, 2015

Some time ago, I introduced a plan I had to add PERSONAL LINKS to your promotions.  (That introductory article is posted below this one if you'd like to revisit).

Well, the concept is now fact and the Personals Hits are appearing on your DAILY & WEEKLY Hits Stats.  Here's a refresher for how the Personals Links work to help you achieve faster SignUps and what the numbers you are seeing in your Stats area mean.

First:  The Numbers

Teams of 6 Members each are created (as much as possible)

We currently have 3 Teams.  Each Team has 6 members with their individual Personal Capture Page links placed on a Rotator url.  Once a member has 6 sign ups their link is removed from the Personal Link Rotator.  However they continue to promote the Personal Rotator url for the remaining members.  In that way you start with 6 people helping each other for sign ups, and gradually more and more people are promoting fewer and fewer links until each one has their full 6 sign ups.  This is in addition to the full team promotion of the general Team Link Pages!

Team #1 is Rotator #95 and is composed of our heaviest hitters.  It currently has 7 members (6 on the rotator):

1)  Devona Bell 
2)  Bob Dixon
3)  Joe Huguenard
4)  Jay August
5)  Abundant Life (Gabriela)
6)  Jayne James
7)  Gerry James (has his Team; promotes only)

Team 2, Rotator #101 has 6 members:

1) Marja Sandstrom
2) Betty Sorrow
3) JM Maxwell
4) Jack Hartwell Sr
5) Wendy Watson
6) Joe Cutrone

Team 3, Rotator #102 has 7 members:

1) Ad Roek
2) Elbert Matinka
3) Jason Clark
4) Ronald Montgomery
5) Ravindra Babu
6) Richard Ashlaw
7) Ireneusz Wloszek

The way we avoided requiring you to post 2 different urls (Team Link with the Team Capture Pages AND Personals Link with the Personal Capture Pages) is by "piggy-backing" the Personal Link Rotators onto the Team Links of it's members.  In other words, Rotator Url #95 with the 6 Personal Capture Page is placed on the Team Link Rotator with the 4 Team capture pages.   Therefore every member of Team 1 is actually advertising 10 different ads leading to a maximum of 7 different autoresponder campaigns (Team Campaign + Devona, Bob, Joe H, Jay, Jayne & Gabi Campaigns)  Every time your Main Rotator ( is viewed it shows a different one of the 10 pages.  If one is clicked & filled in, the subscriber is sent to the appropriate campaign.)

The Team Pages ( Different sets of 4 different pages for each team) lead to the Team autoresponder and I decide whose link is presented to the subscriber - based upon your hits count & other criteria determining your rank score.The Personal Pages (Different for each of 6 Team members) lead to the individual AR Campaigns and if those campaigns result in a signup they go to the person whose link was clicked)

This gives you two fantastic ways of attracting subscribers and signups.  The Personal Pages if they garner enough hits should help sign ups to move faster for every one of you.

So what do the numbers you see on the Daily Stats mean?

The first top number in Black is your Total Number of hits to YOUR Team Link.  This includes both the Team Pages and Personal Pages.

The second lower number in Blue represents the number of hits you and your team got for your personal page.  This is not how many you alone got.  It is how many hits your Personal Page garnered from your efforts and those of your Personal Teammates.


Next you'll get a look at the Capture Page & the 12 Letters that go out for you.  See you next time!


Most team rotator systems ask you to promote for the next member in line due to receive a referral while you are waiting to get to the top of that list. But that's not how GDI Team Elite's Team Links work, and neither is it how the PERSONAL Links proposal I'm about to describe to you works either. 

With the PERSONAL Links promotion, from the moment you join you'll be placed on a Team of no more than 6 other members, all promoting each other to help each of you get 6 Paid Sign-ups.

Each individual Team has only 6 or less members who rotate among themselves to recruit referrals for their Team. After you've been at the top and received a referral, you move to the bottom for only FIVE more rotations, then you're at the top again, provided you are achieving the 1000 Team Link Hits consistently.  Over and over until all 6 of you have your 6.  In the meantime, your original TEAM Links are still working for you throughout the entire team.   This will allow the Team Leader to make decisions for placement of new members from the Team Links with those who need a Direct Qualifier sign up for one of the bonuses (for instance the Learning Bonus & the Team Bonus) while your new Rotation of 6 members will be able to fill in your 6 Paid signups very quickly.  If no one needs a qualifying sign up for a Bonus then the Team Leader will place the new sign up under the next person due in one of the Team Rotations.

There's another difference in the PERSONALS Link promotion.  If you put your TEAM Link in your browser and keep refreshing it... you will see 6 very nice Capture Pages that have been designed to attract subscribers to learn more about the TEAM concept of GDI Team Elite and the benefits of having a Team working to give each member 6 Paid signups. The system works beautifully.  It can take 4 to 14 weeks or more for you to get your 6.  Imagine!  In my team I started off with 7 in my Level 1.  This meant that my next goal was to get 6 for all 7 of those people - Plus I needed to watch to make sure I was helping them to complete their Learning Bonus for $25 earnings.  Each one had to have 1 Direct sign up to do that.  And every month each one was going to need a Direct sign up to qualify for the Team bonus.  Then the 6 that each of them received would need their 6 and so on and so on.  In the overall scheme of things 4 to 14 weeks is really not very long at all and it gives you time to learn more about GDI and how to set up and work your business for success. However, many members feel overwhelmed and are afraid they lose some control in speeding up - or slowing down - the process. Most of you are not skilled at recruiting new members which is why you have failed in the past and why GDI Team Elite was so attractive to you in the first place.  And again, IT WORKS!  

Still the fact is, that Marketers know that a PERSONAL appeal is extremely effective in advertising -- and often a bad Personal appeal ad will attract over a very slick GENERAL appeal.  People love the Team concept - but people want to do business with PEOPLE.  How do we get that Personal Appeal and still have the power of the TEAM, doing the recruiting for you?  How do we promote OUR pages and get sign ups without being recruiting superstars?  THAT'S what the PERSONALS Link will do for us!

1)  We will design PERSONAL Ad pages for every member on your PERSONALS team. [For a sample of how just one of these Personal Pages might look, click here.  The capture form on this page is not active so please do not test it out]  

2)  All of you (no more than 6 members to a PERSONALS team) will promote the same Personal Pages for all of your Personal Team members (yours and theirs) through a Link we will generate and give to you.  On YOUR Personal Pages will be a capture form that leads to an autoresponder campaign set up JUST FOR YOU. The other members of your 'team' will have different capture forms on their page leading to autoresponder campaigns set up just for them.  The Team Leader will create & monitor these campaigns.  There will be pre-written letters describing the benefits of GDI & GDI Team Elite with an EMPHASIS on having a PERSONAL SPONSOR (you) who is active, engaged & knowledgeable.  It will describe how they and their Sponsor (you) work within the greater TEAM with the Team Leader to build their business with Paid Sign ups, free training & Fast Track Bonuses to put them in profit while their residual income builds steadily to a level of $9,330 -- and beyond!  The letters will appear to come through you - and when a subscriber asks for the sign up link - it is YOUR link that will be sent to them.   

The only "qualification" for this promotion is that you are maintaining your 1000+ hits per week TEAM Link promotion and are therefore eligible to continue receiving paid sign-ups from GDI Team Elite.* (see footnote)

Right now as our Team stands these would be the Teams who will promote both the TEAM Link you already have and the PERSONALS Link you will be given for this promotion.

          TEAM 1                               TEAM 2                       TEAM 3
          Abundant Life                     Christian Davidson       Sheila Duhart                         Jayne James                       J.M. Maxwell               Joe Cutrone
          Marja Sandstrom                 Betty Sorrow               Jason Clark
          Ronald Montgomery             Ad Roek
          Devona Bell                        Jay August
          Nimal Rajapaksha                Ravindra Babu

Just because someone has joined GDI Team Elite doesn't mean that 6 Paid Signups are given automatically.  The Team Elite rules are very explicit that IF you do your part and maintain at least 1000 hits per week, we will do our part and work hard to put 6 under you as fast as possible.  Not only that - we then help you get your 6 their six.  Really!  We never abandon you.  You really get unlimited members because as your team grows you will continue to need new members and we offer that spillover from your Team Leaders continuously. 1000 hits are not hard to get if you know how to work on the Traffic Exchanges and Safelists. Everybody has to START, though, and it may be that you have legitimate reasons for consistently not getting your 1000 hits.  If you are finding it a struggle to get your 1000 hits you likely just need some knowledge, strategy & tools.  But whatever the problem is, if you communicate Your Team Leader will be glad to help you come up with these 1000 hits.  Communicate with your Leaders.  We want ALL OF YOU to qualify for 6 Paid Members and begin to make money here.  After all that is why you joined us!  We can help more than you know.  Let's solve your problem(s) whatever that is and get you where you want to be!

Now some of you may be thinking, this sounds great.  2 great "team" approaches to getting in subscribers... but...

I am still working a full time job, or I'm disabled and it's difficult enough to get the 1000 hits -  how many hits do I have to maintain on this one?   How much time is this going to take?

====> Are you ready for this?  It will take you no more time to promote your PERSONALS Link and your TEAM Link than it takes now to promote your TEAM Link alone.   Yes, you heard me right!  

Here's how:  When I give you your PERSONALS Link I will also give you a Link that is a Rotator itself.  It will contain both your TEAM Link and your PERSONALS Link - so instead of promoting 2 seperate links you'll be back to promoting one.    The "Hits" requirement remains the same: 1000 minimum per week.  The more hits you can bring over 1000, the more subscribers we are likely to attract...  especially the more subscribers to YOUR page.   Your PERSONALS link, if clicked on, will lead to the PERSONALS autoresponder campaign set up just for you. There, subscribers will be asking for Abundant Life's Link, or Ronald's Link and that is the Link they'll be sent.  If they click on one of the TEAM Links the mail is captured automatically to the TEAM autoresponder and the Team Leader decides where the next signup is needed with BONUSES being the main guide.

I'm going to give all of you a chance to ask questions --- but first... did you notice in our little Illustration at the beginning of this post that there are THREE funnels in the picture spitting out Sign Ups for you?  Ok the TEAM Link is #1, which you're already familiar with and using now. The PERSONALS Link I just described to you is #2, ...  but what is that #3 My Direct SignUps Link all about?

#3 is the final touch to a well-rounded COMPLETE SYSTEM of marketing your GDI business and this one again gives you the POWER OF THE TEAM married to the EFFECTIVENESS OF PERSONAL MARKETING.  Almost all professional Marketers will tell you that direct EMAIL Marketing is the most effective marketing you can do.  Many companies and individuals spend thousands of dollars on email marketing campaigns.  It is personal, "Close Encounters of the First Kind" attraction marketing and is highly potent in getting personal sign ups --- if you're good at writing copy. --- If you have a mailer you can afford, --- if you have leads. 

Whoa, that's a lot of ifs. Many of you have tried it and didn't get such "wonderfully effective" results.  What you got was a lot of expense and wasted time.  How can we harness this type of marketing for you - and still apply the TEAM approach?  Where you aren't saddled with all the work that you don't have the professional skills yet to make it useful for you?  Answer:  We create a "system", that like the PERSONALS Link, is still based upon the GDI Team Elite formula of using the POWER of the TEAM to accomplish personal marketing goals.  We are going to give you a 30-Day series of email templates, 100 Leads (opt in, IP verified, no older than 30 days) of people who have answered a survey saying they would like to receive information about home businesses. All of this will be contained in a zip file, along with Instructions and scanned for viruses by Avast Premium before it is emailed to you.

If you want to have an autoresponder send these mails out for you on a regular schedule, the only one I would recommend to you is Traffic Wave.  Traffic Wave will still allow you to import leads if you're willing to verify that they are truly opt in leads and there is no spamming going on.  If you'd be interested in that contact me and we'll discuss further what you'll need to set up.   But actually, for this promotion you do not need an autoresponder.  You can do this through GMail.  When you're ready, I'll show you how to set up a 'group' for your GMail My Direct SignUps Link campaign, how to comply with the Federal Laws by placing an unsubscribe notice correctly and how to schedule your mailouts and follow up. (If you do get an unsubscribe request, notify me and I will replace that Lead.  Just remove the one and insert the other and start his/her mail campaign at Letter 1.  In these mails you will be promoting GDI Team Elite and YOUR SIGN UP PAGE(s)   Your goal will be to establish a relationship with these 100 people.  You will not have to write the letters.  The entire series will be done-for-you.  You will not have to hunt the 100 people you'll be contacting - you will receive their First and Last names, Email address, IP address and the date the lead was generated by the person asking for information about online business opportunities.

Now you have a 3-Pronged Marketing Attack on your market - the General Team link,  the PERSONALS ad pages which are suitable for Traffic Exchanges and / or Safelists, and the EMAIL Marketing Campaign.

This will surely break the mold of how Teams work, and you can be a part of it. Take a moment to study exactly how I've laid out that each system works. It's so simple, yet so effective.

I invite your questions below

 in the Comment Area:

No one who has an occasional lapse in getting 1000+ hits per week will lose their eligibility for 6 Paid sign ups.  We all lead busy lives and there are occasional emergencies... we understand.  But if you are consistently not getting your 1000 hits, for us to give you 6 Paid sign ups anyway - it is not fair to the members who are doing the work. We don't like to be put in this position.  We are here because we love helping others and we want EVERY ONE of you to enjoy the benefits of GDI Team Elite.

There are often ways we, as Team Leaders, can help that you may not be aware of.  But we can't help if we don't know what the problem is. 
I'm passionate about helping you succeed - and problems are just opportunities in disguise.  Your communication with me will be kept completely private and no one will dictate to you a solution.  This is about teamwork and problem-solving and getting you back on track and thriving here.  If your name is not on one of the team lists above you need to contact me.  We can usually have you reinstated and having fun with this again the same week you let us know how you need help.

PS  - I am hard at work right now setting up your Personals Pages and autoresponder campaigns and LINKS.   If you would like your picture used on your personals page please send it to me in an email attachment with the subject line for PERSONALS Link promotion.   If you have a short testimonial that is also a good draw to potential signups!   Just include it in your email to: Gerry James,



Gabriella said...

Big relief. I didn't know we can promote both the team and personal link, (through the 6 people team) in one. In that case there is no hardship and everyone should go for the personal link promotion.

Unknown said...

This is great!! Jay

Unknown said...

Looking forward to this new way to promote. Thank you so much for helping us all!! :)