by Gerry James
Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, new life. As we worship today and reflect on the high holy events this holiday commemorates for us, I also wanted to share my thoughts for each and every one of you and my wishes for us the rest of the year.
Our Team blog site's title is Discovering Your Power...
Gabriela just threw out a wonderful challenge to all of us to become more giving, not just in monetary ways, but out of the depths of who we are and I just loved that ... it will help us to "discover our power" and I look forward to all of us sharing how we are putting that into practice.
On this Easter, here are my thoughts for all of us ~
I've asked God that the rest of your year be filled with magic and dreams and, and... good madness! I hope you'll read some fine books. I want you to kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful.
Oh, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can.
And, I hope, somewhere in the coming eight months, you surprise yourself!
... I hope that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously. That you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it.
I really, really wish that you'll be loved. And that you'll be liked. And that you will have people to love and like in return. And importantly (because I think that there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise. And that you'll always be kind.
Hmmm, what else, God? OH! I want them to make mistakes. Yes, I do! Because if they are making mistakes, then they are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing themselves, changing themselves, changing our world!
So that's my Easter wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make glorious, amazing mistakes; even love - it might be a mistake, but it's worth making.
Don't freeze. Don't stop. Don't worry you and what you do is not good enough, or it isn't perfect -- whatever it is.
The events of over 2000 years ago, proves that to God, WE MATTER.
Whatever it is you've been scared of doing. Do It.
Happy Easter with love,
Hi Gerry,
Happy Easter to you and Misses,and Team.Thank you Gerry for the Post it is very Heart warming and up Lifting , I thing Gabriella's proposal is a wonderful ideal and Thank you for Recognizing and wanting to Implement it. As a Team we should get to know each other better and not just through hits even though they are very Important for Survival on the Internet. In your Post you speak highly of God in the pray for your Team, I thank you for that we as a nation sometimes forget where it all started and with whom I agree with you we all should be a little more understanding of our selves and most of all to other human beings and be more loving to one another and but more effort into love instead of all the energy we waist trying to cut someone down and being down right Nasty to the the World as a whole. Easter is a very special Occasion for us all and we should be very Thankful that God gave his life for all Mankind and on this day we all should Recognize our Lord and Savior for giving us our freedom and sustaining us with his ever lasting Love,we all need to Practice what God Intended this World to be in the Beginning instead of making it so Difficult for one another and make Peace with all and not War. Life is to short so we all should lighten up and enjoy Life and Love, Love and be Happy and smile and say something kind to someone,anyone today and every day for the Rest of your life Present Company included.Happy Easter every one be save later.
" Jack Hartwell Sr "
Awesome Post today Gerry! Happy Easter and LOTS of Love to you, Jayne and anyone else you Love and Care for. God Bless You and God Bless Us All! Amen!
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