with Gerry James
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~Discovering Your Power in GDI Team Elite!
An INTERACTIVE blog for empowering our members through motivation, training, communication & fun! I'm very happy to be a new GDI Team Leader which has enabled me to step up and unite with this team in emerging to be the best of what GDI Team Elite stands for. We are making this a journey of lifetime friendships - supporting one another, sharing and accomplishing our dreams!
Whether you are a GDI Team Elite Member on Gerry's team, or a guest here, we're so happy you've stopped in to visit and hope you'll explore this entire site. There are valuable things here, even if you aren't a member of our Team. Gerry's GDI Team Elite is ABN Better Business Practices certified.
If you'd like to receive posts like this you can leave your email in the box on the sidebar and will receive updates. But to take advantage of the Trainings and Team Activities you'll need to visit the blog at least weekly if not daily, and navigate by using the search box or the Sidebar Menu. So why not Bookmark our address now?
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Why 'Scottish at Heart'?
I'm originally from Glasgow, Scotland. Scotland's magic is a blend of historic castles and ancient ruins, stunning scenery, colorful history, age-old traditions and warm, welcoming people. Just like I've found at GDI Team Elite! Also, like the GDI Team Elite members I've met so far, Scots are independent, practical, feisty, tough and proud... but we're also sentimental, superstitious, spiritual, generous, friendly and gregarious. The fact is there is beauty in this multicultural online business world we are in. So I chose the Scottish theme and hope you'll enjoy my brand of sharing.
Since you are reading this you must be at least interested in an online business and are in, or deciding whether to be in, Global Domains International. Let's talk about that...
NO ONE can guarantee that your home-based business will bring you the fame & fortune you hope it will. However, if you work it - not necessarily hard, but certainly smart - your products and services are quality and priced right, and you keep your customers satisfied, you stand a good chance of the fame & fortune too.
Since the results you get depend on what you put in, your attitudes and the way you build here are some suggestions:
Treat your business like a business
If you want your business to be a business — an organization that generates the kind of money you need to become financially independent — you have to start treating it like one, and stop treating it like a hobby or a momentary fling. You could...
- Set aside a real home office — either a room or a set corner of a room, not just a closet or a shelf — exclusively for your business.
- Make an investment in business equipment and supplies: a decent computer, extra phone lines, a fax machine printer/scanner, and whatever else you decide you need to run your operation.
- Work with a mentor to create a marketing plan and marketing materials. Your Team Leader in GDI Team Elite is quite capable of helping you with this ... have you asked?
- Publicize your company's products and services to a wide audience of potential customers and clients. Again, GDI Team Elite has made this super easy. You have a COLLECTIVE TEAM ADVERTISING SYSTEM and your only requirement is 1000 hits. Even that has been challenging some of you. Come on! I promise you, wherever you go online, if it is to make you a full time income WILL REQUIRE TRAFFIC and despite the hype I don't know of a program that really gives it to you on a platter. If you work "free" it's going to be harder and take longer. If you can invest a little it can be easier, faster. This is not just GDI. YOU WILL GET OUT related to what you put in. That's universal law. Want to know how to get 1000 hits in 1 day? Check out Team Trainings tomorrow, Monday November 17th, 2014. (See Team Trainings in Sidebar Menu)
- Build a strong customer base and make plans for future growth. Your GDI team gets you started, but there's a lot YOU need to learn to do. This is your business. Watch for trainings on Personal Recruiting and retaining downline.
Become an expert
People respect those who know more than they do. By attending the Team trainings and taking advantage of our GDI Team Elite experience, you can become the specialist. You will have a chance to step into the role of becoming Team Leader when you have 6 members under you. You assume the role of a presumed expert, even if you're really just starting your business. GDI Team Elite will position you for it. There's MORE to do here than click-click-clicking and looking for greener grass on the other side. It makes good business sense for your clients to hire an expert instead of someone less experienced, right? By using the time you're waiting for the Team to produce six members you can be LEARNING to avoid the mistakes and dead ends that someone with less experience may make.
Charge what you're worth
Many of you resent having to pay. But I've been paying 4 months and don't have.... You know what that attitude is? It's an instant going-out-of-business plan! You want YOUR customers and GDI to pay you, but you want to do it with no money out-of-pocket. If you ever find that business come back and tell me, and I'll join you. (Second thought don't waste your time... it really doesn't exist). No matter how hard you work, pay what it's worth. Why? Because the Golden Rule (another universal law) says: DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU. What GDI and Team Elite offers you is worth WAY more than $10/month, but you gripe. Yet every one of you will want to charge YOUR customers what you're worth. Why? Because if you don't you're putting your entire business at risk. You're getting a real business. In the job world you pay for training, uniforms or clothes, commutes and spend 40 years to retire broke. And you can't hold your taters here and PARTICIPATE and pay your dues for the brass ring? I worry about some of you, I really do. Some of you do it because you don't know any better. You got yourself into such a hole you're truly desperate. If that's you, keep reading.
Manage your cash flow
Cash, or the lack of it, is one of the key indicators of a company's success over the long run. If you have cash, you can buy and stock new products for your customers, develop innovative new services for your clients, pay for your day-to-day operations, and expand your operations. If you don't have cash, your business will certainly suffer, and so will your customers and clients.
It's not enough to simply watch your cash flow — the money going in and out of your business — you've also got to manage it. This means looking to the future, planning and scheduling your projected cash inflows and outflows, billing quickly, staying on top of money owed you, and paying attention to the money that goes in and out of your business. If you need some funds to help you weather the time your business is taking to build, watch for our coming training in the Team Training area FUNDED PROPOSALS - How to survive and thrive!
Build a solid customer base
Building a solid customer base is much easier said than done. At the heart of the process is creating an organization that values its current customers and goes out of its way to ensure their satisfaction and happiness. Customers are smart — they can tell whether they are high or low on a company's list of priorities. If they sense that you don't care much about whether they do business with you, they'll likely jump ship as soon as another company that really does care about them comes along.
Ask for referrals
Word-of-mouth referrals are probably the least expensive and the most effective way of getting new business. This makes referrals the most important way for home-based businesses to market themselves. Here are several of the best ways of earning great referrals from customers:
- Do great work: When you do great work, your clients are happy to give you great referrals. Do less-than-great work, and you'll be lucky to get any referrals.
- Do your work: If you consistently deliver on your promises, you'll soon have more business than you could ever imagine possible. And you'll earn your clients' referrals.
- Keep your clients well informed: When clients spend their money on you, they want to be kept apprised of your progress, not only to stay in touch with the project, but also to keep a watchful eye out for problems before they get out of hand. Do your clients a favor, and keep them informed about your project's progress. Whether the news is good or bad, your clients and customers will appreciate your forthrightness and candor.
- Be dependable: If anything, you should always keep your word — even when it hurts. If you promise to do something, do everything in your power to keep your promise, no matter what it takes to follow through on it.
- Be flexible: Customers and clients appreciate vendors who are flexible and willing to meet their needs, no matter what those needs are. Not only that, but also, they will pay more for that flexibility. Think what you can do in your business to better meet your customers' needs.
- Thank your clients for their referrals: Everyone likes to be appreciated for what they do. Your customers are no different. Be sure to thank them for their referrals with a hand-signed card or small gift.
These are just the tip of the iceberg of things you can and should be doing RIGHT NOW to position yourself for success. I hope it will get you thinking and that you'll begin to visit this Site often, share it with others, and start taking advantage of the invaluable helps having a TEAM behind you and your business offers you.
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