
Monday, November 9, 2015

INTRO  November 9, 2015
by Pasha Rothach  

    My goal today is to give as many of you the AHA! Moment as possible.

You're going to get an honest, realistic view of our business that doesn't disrespect the dreams and manifestations you bring, but instead will show you that you really can do this; and

You're going to be getting detailed, step-by-step plans for making it happen.  We can raise the standards of our industry, partaking of the opportunities to nurture and empower all those we sponsor.

In this business, you can develop spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally -- not just financially.


            Facing challenges, adventure and growth.

You have begun the Journey.   First it will change you.  Ultimately, you will change the world.  If you just don't quit.
Seize the opportunities.  Stay focused.  Follow the system.  Stay true to the reasons you came here.

As stated you're going to be learning a lot of nuts and bolts concepts - what makes money in GDI,  the Comp Plan and how to maximize it,  how to survive til your business begins to develop, the how-to's of making your business a money-printer, build large down-lines, train leaders.  But there are two guiding concepts you must know:

1)  LEVERAGE for escaping the trading-time-for-money that most people fall into.

2)  You must look into your mirror every morning and know that you are boss.

These two concepts are the anchors of the foundation of network marketing.   Once we've made sure you understand them -- and actively apply them in your business, your prosperity is assured.

Take a deep breath.  Right now it's just you now, and the future you.  Face to face.  Can you commit to future you that you ARE going to escape the modern-day slavery of  a j.o.b. or a meager retirement?

Do it right now.

Now start thinking of this column as a WORKBOOK, not a lecture. The operative word is work and without your commitment to work it, reading it is a waste of your time.  I have one request.  ABUSE this work.  Print it out.  Write on it.  Annotate it.  Scribble all over it.  Read it again and again.  Then tear it up.  Come back here and print it out and do it all again.  Putting your ideas down in physical writing with my ideas begins to make it real, concrete.  Engage your body and mind.  It's yours, not mine.

Let's get to work.  Tomorrow, we're going to look at and take apart the GDI COMP PLAN.   Are you really in the right place?  We'll tour your virtual workplace and be sure!