
Monday, November 9, 2015

INTRO  November 9, 2015
by Pasha Rothach  

    My goal today is to give as many of you the AHA! Moment as possible.

You're going to get an honest, realistic view of our business that doesn't disrespect the dreams and manifestations you bring, but instead will show you that you really can do this; and

You're going to be getting detailed, step-by-step plans for making it happen.  We can raise the standards of our industry, partaking of the opportunities to nurture and empower all those we sponsor.

In this business, you can develop spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally -- not just financially.


            Facing challenges, adventure and growth.

You have begun the Journey.   First it will change you.  Ultimately, you will change the world.  If you just don't quit.
Seize the opportunities.  Stay focused.  Follow the system.  Stay true to the reasons you came here.

As stated you're going to be learning a lot of nuts and bolts concepts - what makes money in GDI,  the Comp Plan and how to maximize it,  how to survive til your business begins to develop, the how-to's of making your business a money-printer, build large down-lines, train leaders.  But there are two guiding concepts you must know:

1)  LEVERAGE for escaping the trading-time-for-money that most people fall into.

2)  You must look into your mirror every morning and know that you are boss.

These two concepts are the anchors of the foundation of network marketing.   Once we've made sure you understand them -- and actively apply them in your business, your prosperity is assured.

Take a deep breath.  Right now it's just you now, and the future you.  Face to face.  Can you commit to future you that you ARE going to escape the modern-day slavery of  a j.o.b. or a meager retirement?

Do it right now.

Now start thinking of this column as a WORKBOOK, not a lecture. The operative word is work and without your commitment to work it, reading it is a waste of your time.  I have one request.  ABUSE this work.  Print it out.  Write on it.  Annotate it.  Scribble all over it.  Read it again and again.  Then tear it up.  Come back here and print it out and do it all again.  Putting your ideas down in physical writing with my ideas begins to make it real, concrete.  Engage your body and mind.  It's yours, not mine.

Let's get to work.  Tomorrow, we're going to look at and take apart the GDI COMP PLAN.   Are you really in the right place?  We'll tour your virtual workplace and be sure!

Monday, August 10, 2015

How To Make Your Dreams of Fun & Financial Freedom TRUE!

"Security is mostly a superstition.  It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.  Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.  Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." ~ Helen Keller


Most people don't build a Network Marketing empire and enjoy a fabulous life from that point on.   But they could.

The business we're working here is about the "could".  Just the could.  All promises and guarantees are within you.  

What about the process appeals to you?  Maybe it's the allure to earn a king's ransom?  Perhaps the freedom to work from home? The flexibility of setting your own schedule?  The freedom to choose where you live/work ... just open the computer and you're "at work"?  Could be the spiritual, leadership, communication, and relationship-building skills you get to learn and use?

Have a very good why, otherwise it gets too dark and scary here sometimes.  Capiche?

Most important:  You must train yourself to believe that it will work for you and for those to whom you offer it.  This takes time, but it is the most important thing you'll "figure out" here.

Belief doesn't come from success.  Your success will only come from your belief.

Beginning Internet Marketers give up long before they could have succeeded. That's a sad fact.  There are rare individual marketers who have enjoyed fortunes of $1 million or more per year for years.
Some elite marketers, after 5 to 10 years, earn $25,000 to $100,000 a month.   MANY marketers earn from $1000 to $10,000 a month. The masses of marketers earn $100 to a few hundred.

What do all the above have in common?  NONE of them quit.

The fact is that people with average ambition, commitment, and effort don't do well in a business like ours.  Is that the fault of the individual or the system?  For those of you who know me at all, that know how much value I place on mindset and self-motivation may be surprised at my answer. It's the fault of both the individual and the system, I think. Internet or Network Marketing is not easy, especially if you don't have a good mentor / trainer.

We have a long way to go in educating people to our business and treating newcomers with respect and honor so that they demand our profession instead of feeling like sleazy car salesmen, or (shudder) law-yers!  This is one of my core missions.

Did you realize that we marketers are major players in the world economy and that we're still growing?  We've grown 17 out of the last 20 years, 90% of that coming in the last 10 years.  A staggering $178.5 billion worth of this industry's goods and services are sold worldwide. Each week approximately 475,000 people worldwide become affiliates for an internet marketing company.  That's $175,000 each week in the US alone!  There are 16.8 million Americans and 96.2 million people worldwide who participate at some level in this concept.  ALL THOSE PEOPLE AIN'T "WRONG", "DELUSIONAL", nor "DUPES"!


Just because you haven't made it work yet, doesn't mean it doesn't. That's going to change for you here.  The bottom line is, this business and especially this particular business works and has worked to build extra-to-extraordinary individual wealth.  Some of the smartest people in the world take advantage of it -- people like:

Paul Zane Pilzer, Economist and Best Selling Author
Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author Rich Dad Poor Dad
Stephen Covey, Author
Bill Clinton, Former US President
Tony Blair, Former British Prime Minister
David Bach, Author
Tom Peters, Management Expert and Author
Zig Ziglar, Author & Motivational Speaker
Jim Collins, Author
Seth Godin, Author
Donald Trump, Billionaire Businessman
Ray Chambers, Entrepreneur, Philantropist
Bill Gates,  Microsoft, Philantropist
Roger Barnett, NY Investment Banker, owner Shaklee
Dave Ramsey, NYTimes Author, Radio Host
Warren Buffet, Billionaire Investor

You're in good company, so don't let anyone put you down and don't think the reason you haven't found the path to success yet is because there isn't one.  Lots of people have found that path. You're about to be one of them because you've joined Gerry James' Team Power Elite.

Hang on kids, we're about to grow you a DARING ADVENTURE!

Next post we'll look at some Network Marketing Myths.

Believe in you.  I do! -- Gerry

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

                                                                          by Gerry James

Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, new life.  As we worship today and reflect on the high holy events this holiday commemorates for us, I also wanted to share my thoughts for each and every one of you and my wishes for us the rest of the year.

Our Team blog site's title is Discovering Your Power...

Gabriela just threw out a wonderful challenge to all of us to become more giving, not just in monetary ways, but out of the depths of who we are and I just loved that ...  it will help us to "discover our power" and I look forward to all of us sharing how we are putting that into practice.

On this Easter, here are my thoughts for all of us ~

I've asked God that the rest of your year be filled with magic and dreams and, and...  good madness!  I hope you'll read some fine books.  I want you to kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful.
Oh, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can.   

And, I hope, somewhere in the coming eight months, you surprise yourself! 

... I hope that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously.  That you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it.

I really, really wish that you'll be loved.  And that you'll be liked. And that you will have people to love and like in return.  And importantly (because I think that there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise.  And that you'll always be kind.

Hmmm, what else, God?  OH!  I want them to make mistakes. Yes, I do!  Because if they are making mistakes, then they are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing themselves, changing themselves, changing our world!

So that's my Easter wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself.   Make glorious, amazing mistakes; even love - it might be a mistake, but it's worth making.

Don't freeze.   Don't stop.  Don't worry you and what you do is not good enough, or it isn't perfect -- whatever it is.

The events of over 2000 years ago, proves that to God, WE MATTER.

Whatever it is you've been scared of doing.  Do It.

Happy Easter with love,